Adding gravel and dirt roads to your riding will open your cycling to a whole new world! Becoming comfortable with dynamic terrain breaks down any walls to new and glorious areas that pavement-only riding may have been preventing you from experiencing.

Click on either the Strava or Ride with GPS Route buttons to see the whole route, be able to download the route file, and print a cue sheet!
(Strava and Ride with GPS memberships are free if you don’t have one of these accounts yet. We like these platforms for route sharing the most - they’re accurate, easy to download, and easy to explore!)

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Morning Gravel

16.7 Miles / 1,231’ Elevation

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Typical Morning Ride

23.5 Miles / 1,758’ Elevation
Low traffic, nice roads = one of our go to Routes

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Thursday Ride Gravel Edition

30.7 Miles / 2,697’ Elevation

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2018 Harris-Roubaix

32.1 Miles / 2,817’ Elevation
Lots of fun gravel!


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John Kline Gravel

38.9 Miles / 3,600’ Elevation
One of our favorite rides around!

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Slate Hill

42.7 Miles / 3,381’ Elevation

Forest Roads of Reddish Knob

52.1 Miles / 6,836’ Elevation
Many miles of gravel, from smooth pack to chunky.

Sounding Knob

50.2 Miles / 7,749’ Elevation
Don’t let the shorter distance fool you, the climb to the Sounding Knob Fire tower is quite the challenge, but worth it!

Height Hollow / Troxel Gap / Old Parkersburg

58.9 Miles / 5,884’ Elevation

Some Lexington, VA Gravel

72.9 Miles / 8,108’ Elevation
Awesome gravel climbs and descents in rural Virginia.

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Augusta Triangle - Gravel Edition

60.9 Miles / 4142’ Elevation

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Afton Mountain & Wintergreen

64.9 Miles / 8055’ Elevation

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Cub Run

75.0 Miles / 7779’ Elevation

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Orkney Springs - gravel edition

75.5 Miles / 6591’ Elevation
Supinlick Ridge Road will not disappoint!

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East Side of Massanutten

85.8 Miles / 8869’ Elevation

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Old Parkersburg!

80 Miles / 5,184’ Elevation


The Most Leisurely of Centuries

100.25 Miles / 5,698’ Elevation

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Goshen Pass

129.5 Miles / 7,891’ Elevation

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The Big Spruce

145.8 Miles / 15,554’ Elevation